Trials and tribulations of a sourdough baker living in a 108 year old farmhouse.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Testing, Testing, Testing
Managed to get a spot on Peter Reinhart's testing panel for his new book in production. Wow! Do I feel honored. This past week was the first recipe, a pre-fermented French Dough. Basically it is flour, salt and water with a little yeast, mixed together then allowed to proof slowly in the refrigerator. Mine stayed in for 30 hours. The result can be formed directly into loaves, or used as a dough enhancer for a 'same day' French bread. I obviously can't and won't share the recipe, but I will share some photos of the finished product. The baguettes were particularly good and I will certainly use this recipe for baguettes in the future.
The baguettes and boule baked directly from the preferment.
Two batards baked using the preferment as a dough enhancer.
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